Alpha’s Second Choice

Chapter 31- The past knocks again

‘MINE’, Jo heard a loud growl ripple through the crowd.

Her face instantly turning to the direction of the growl.

The Alpha king was looking at her very hungrily, as if he wanted to devour her right in front of everyone.

The music was still loud and no one seemed to have noticed the growl. It was also most probably because she had arrived late and everyone was half drunk already.

But his wife next to him definitely did not miss her husband’s growl. The queen’s eyes were widened with shock and her mouth was left gaping as she looked at Jo with so much hatred. If looks could kill….

Jo simply ignored their gaze and made her way towards where Lucy was.NôvelDrama.Org: text © owner.

‘Wow, you look mind blowing’, her friend commented.

‘Thanks. See I told you, the red lipstick would look bomb on you’, she replied making Lucy blush.

‘Nice to see you again’, Caleb intervened and only then did, the siren notice Lucy was not alone.

‘Was I interrupting something?’, she quickly asked.

‘Yes’, Caleb replied without hesitating.

‘No!’, Lucy cried out, elbowing Caleb. ‘You were definitely NOT interrupting anything’.

‘But what about that dance?’, his silver eyes appeared sad as he looked at his mate.

‘Please excuse me, I need to go get some drink’, Jo took the cue and left the two seemingly love birds alone.

‘But, Jo wait-‘.

Jo quickly dashed to the drink section, not waiting a second more.

Once she made her way there, she tried to spot her two mischievous fairy friends and noticed they were outside, dancing around the bon fire, already mingling with the odd crowd.

‘Can I get you a drink, miss?’, a young blonde guy appeared beside Jo as he put his hands over hers which were resting on the bar table.

‘I am fine, thank you’, Jo gave him a superficial fake smile, hoping he would get the signal that she was not interested.

But the young man sat next to her, his right hand already on her thighs now. He was getting on her last nerve.

Before he could break this young man’s daring hands, Don jumped in.

‘Hey kiddo, did you not learn in school that its inappropriate to touch a lady without consent’, the Wind warrior Alpha sharply reminded the young lad.

‘I am sorry- Alpha.. I’.

‘Now leave’.

‘Impressive Don. And I thought you were this sweet Alpha who was nice to everyone’, Jo laughed as she took a drink from the tray nearby.

‘Let’s just say that I am not so nice to id. iots who cross boundaries’, Don responded smiling and taking a seat next to Jo. ‘What are you having?’.

‘Um, I am not so sure’.

‘That looks like the rose petal-infused syrup drink, a popular choice amongst the ladies’, Don ran his hands through his wavy cinnamon coloured hair.

Jo looked at his right eyebrow scar again, it made him look really dashing. On the other hand, her scar underneath the mask, made her look like a monster…..

‘I must say Jo, you have quite a daring dress on’, Don remarked sincerely.

‘Well, it was either this or looking like someone’s grandma who was about to go to bed at 7 PM’, the siren replied, enjoying the friendly companion. Jo felt comfortable around Don and that was odd because she was never comfortable around male, of any species or kind.

‘Alpha, you left me all by myself’, a young girl rubbed her breast on Don’s arm, interrupting their conversation.

Jo rolled her eyes at the intruder who was throwing her deadly stares.

‘I am a bit busy right now Diane’, Don politely declined.

Kudos to this gentleman. Jayden could learn a thing or two from him, Jo thought.

‘But Alpha’, the girl cried in an annoying high pitch, jumping up and down like a small girl throwing a tantrum.

Don apologetically looked at Jo as she just waved at him saying it was fine.

He heaved a sigh as he was pulled by Diane to the dance floor. Being around Jo made him happy for some reason.

Don still remembered her speech during the warrior’s training. He was returning back to the benches after a phone call when he saw her addressing the warriors. The way she spoke was beautiful and alluring. Her words about ‘being strong’ touched his heart most indefinitely because it hit closer to home for him. Also, the mild unique scent that came from her time to time, kept him yearning for more.

Maybe it was time, he really took a Luna for his pack. Maybe Jo was the one. Maybe…


Jo spotted her silly friend finally dancing with her mate. She would never expect someone to follow her actions. Lucy deserved the best and Caleb was decent so far.

‘Biyatch, look at you. Rocking that dress’, Daya’s familiar voice erupted.

‘I have to give it to you Jo. That dress looks awesome’, Mina agreed adjusting her pink flowy dress.

‘A bit too short for my taste but looks like Jo wants to do some fishing now from the crowd’, the pink haired fairy teased.

‘HAHAHA. Another fish joke! The one thing missing from completing my long day’, she sipped some of her rose petal-whatever-Don-said wine. It tasted pleasantly good.

After the girls chatted away at the bar, they grabbed a couple more of the pink wine. Daya was already a bit skittish, and Jo also felt her cheeks becoming hot. She threw a couple of glances towards her mate who looked very stiff next to his wife.

*Ting Ting*, the sound of the glass clinking echoed, instantly stopping the music and buzz of the crowd.

‘Attention everyone. I would like to thank you all for attending tonight’s ball. It is a very special night for me and my husband because we got engaged on this very day a few years back’, Olivia announced loud and clear.

She went on and on about how special their bond has been, blah blah, Jo had enough.

She excused herself and exited to the outdoor garden. The bon fire was nice and cosy and the full moon was on a beautiful display.

Jo admired the white glistening moon when she heard someone walk close by.

‘Quite a beauty, isn’t she?’, the voice commented. She had heard this before.

‘Yes, should you not be inside with your wife?’, the whole scene felt like a déjà vu of their first encounter.

Dante appeared a bit sad at the mention of his wife. ‘Yes, we just did a toast and everyone is just back to enjoying the ball. I wanted some fresh air’.

‘Oh yeah, enjoy’, Jo bluntly replied as she turned to head back inside.

Dante pulled her into a tight embrace. Skilfully he positioned them behind a big pillar to hide away from everyone’s eyes.

‘What are you-‘, Jo tried to make sense of the stu. pid King’s action. The rose petal-something wine was already catching up to her now, making her emotions heightened.

Dante closed her off with a kiss right on the lips. He pressed on her with so much hardness and passion, Jo’s hands shot up to run her hands through his smooth dark locks. The tension was too hard to resist. After what felt like an eternity of making out, Jo finally pushed her mate away angrily.

‘Wait, we can’t…Why did you do that?’.

‘My lips were dry and I thought I could use some of your gloss’, the Alpha king sheepishly said.

‘Huh?’, Jo looked at her silly mate who was taking her for a fool. ‘Here, keep your lips looking glossy then, like mine’, she handed a tube of lip gloss from her small purse and shoved it in Dante’s hands.

‘Jolene’, her mate whispered her name as he traced his fingers along one side of her cheeks. ‘I don’t like your dress being this short’.

‘Oh, is the big bad Alpha angry now?’, she laughed but he wasn’t. Not even a little bit.

‘It’s all I had!’, Jo retaliated. ‘Also, its none of your business. You rejected me, remember?’.

‘I am sorry Jo. I really and truly am’, a hint of sadness was present in the kings’s voice. ‘My hands are tied and I wish I could change our fate. But I can’t. It’s beyond me and my control’.

‘Save it, my king. I don’t need a reason because you do not owe me any’, with that, the siren angrily stormed away. Tears were dangerously filling in her eyes again. She yearned for Dante’s touch and wished for so many things. But it was far from her reach because he did not want her. He already had the most beautiful queen by his side. What more could he want?

As Jo rushed through the crowd, she felt something getting thrown her way. She quickly dodged the spear that was meant to hit her, it went flying past her and crashed on the floor of the entrance.

Adrenaline was rushing through her blood as she started releasing her mask on her true scent slowly. There were screams and cries in the main chambers as people started gathering around the scene.

‘What’s going on?’.

‘Someone was just attacked’.

‘Look at that spear on the floor!’.

She heard murmurs of confusion. Jo had already removed half of the mask on her true scent so her powers were getting stronger now.

The omnious scent of Belial came flooding her thoughts again. Did he find her already? She had to run if that was the case. It was too risky here.

Jo concentrated her powers on her fingertips ready to spring to action. As she followed to where the spears hit, she saw a pair of feet standing over them.

Her eyes slowly traced the body up when she backed up a little in surprise at who it was.

Alpha Jayden was standing in front of her in a black suit. His emerald green eyes piercing Jo’s soul as if he just realised who his true mate was.

How did Jayden even get here so fast?

Jo realised half of her true scent was out already as she tried masking it back again.

But it was too late, there was only hunger and lust evident in Jayden’s eyes as he looked at his true mate longingly.

Author’s notes: If you still have not realised, when Jo masks her true scent, her powers get supressed. So whenever she is under attack or senses danger, she unmasks her scent either a little or fully depending on how much power she wants to use.

If she removes her scent completely, her full powers will surface….

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