Alpha’s Cursed Mate



Rose’s POV


**Next Morning**

I breathed out as I tossed around on the bed. I slowly squinted my eyes open. It was morning already and the sun was shining in its full brightness. I groaned and rubbed my eyes sleepily before turning around only to see Leo with his eyes closed and his smooth cheeks which had just as little hairs. How old is he by the way?

Well, don’t blame me. I did not ask for his age and besides who cares. I shrugged and smiled as I took in his manly beauty. My eyes roamed down to his neck and then to his chest which was going up and down. Then slowly, I brought my eyes to look at his abs, it was not showing that much but it was still there.

“He’s got nice nipples,” Halona said in my head and my eyes went back to look at it. It was pink.

Gosh, I can’t be drooling over a guy while he is asleep. I swallowed down the saliva in my throat and prepared to sit up when I heard Leo’s voice in my head.

“I can smell your arousal, Rose.” He boomed in my head, making me jerk back immediately. He slowly opened his eyes and his lips twitched into a smirk.

“Drooling, huh?” He asked with this kind of morning voice that made my core clench. Halona moaned, I cleared my throat and sat up.

“How was your night?” He asked as he sat up.

“Fine. Just that someone would not stop snoring.” I said, more like teasing. He raised his eyebrows and uttered a scoff.

“I don’t snore. And besides, it’s morning, I have work to do. Bye.” He said dismissively and stood up before rushing to the bathroom. He did not even give me time to reply to him.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

“Who’s there?” I yelled out and quickly adjusted my shirt while I pulled up the bedsheet to cover my lap. Leo won’t take it lightly if any male was to see me like that.

“It is me, Luna.” I heard a feminine voice answer.

“Come in,” I said and the door was pushed open.

“Good Morning, Luna.” A young lady greeted with a bow.

“Good morning,” I replied as I inspected her.

“Martha told me to bring you these clothes.” She said.

“Ohh, place over there on the chair.” I pointed towards it.

“Thank you,” I said with a faint smile and she bowed before exiting the room.

Leo came out with a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair was dripping with water. If I had an Adam apple, I am very sure it would have moved up and down, salivating Leo’s beauty as a man. He tilted his head slightly to a side with a knowing smirk playing on his lips.

“You can take a picture, it would last longer.” He said with a wink. I rolled my eyes with a scoff before looking away.

“Don’t think too highly of yourself,” I said as I scrambled down the bed.

“A lady came over and brought some clothes for us. Go check for yours there.” I said, pointing towards the chair. He nodded his head and I walked towards the bathroom. But I could feel his gaze on me, well not me but my butt. As I entered the bathroom, I turned around to look at him with a smirk.

“Keep your eyes off,” I said with a forced, hard glare before slamming the door shut.

*Few Minutes Later*

I finally wore the blue blouse. I heaved a sigh as I stared at myself in the mirror. I was clad in a blue blouse, a black denim skirt, and a pair of flat shoes. Where the hell did Martha get these pair of shoes?

I did not even bother to pack my hair. I exited the room and walked down the stairs. I saw Leo speaking to a lady and I got this kind of feeling. Jealousy. I shrugged it off.

“Leo,” I called out as I got to his side. He stopped talking and looked at me.

“You are done.” He said and planted a peck on my left cheek.

“Yeah, eaten yet?” I asked him.

“Nope, was waiting for you.” He answered. I smiled at what he said and dragged him to the kitchen. We met Blake and the other men from last night with a woman who was Blake’s mother. All thanks to the resemblance.

“Good morning.” I greeted with a slight bow. Now I seem to have forgotten what Blake’s dad said last night.

“No, you don’t need to bow before me.” She said with a smile and walked towards me.

“Mom, she is too polite.” I heard Martha say from behind. I turned around and saw her with Blake’s hand around her waist which his nose in her… Hair?. Like, eww!

But, wait. Wasn’t he just here before?

I shook my head. This mate of thing confuses me at times.

“Well, I can’t wait for Leo to also start doing stuff like this to us,” Halona said and I frowned my face at the image alone.

“I don’t want him to be romanticizing me in the public like this and also…” Before I could complete my statement, I felt someone drag me with his hands. I landed on Leo’s lap with a gasp and I stared at his orbs while there was a smirk playing on his lips. I clutched on his shirt as if my life depended on it and just one slight removal could end me.

Gosh, this is so embarrassing.

I looked down to avoid people from seeing how just colored my face was.

“Luna, you don’t need to be shy,” Martha said in a teasing tone, adding more tension to the place. And the sarcasm in her voice went noticed. Well, I don’t think our ‘getting along well’ will be easy.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Food is ready.” Blake’s mother announced, helping me to take everyone’s attention away from me. I exhaled and thanked the Moon goddess mentally. I was about to stand up and get my dish when I felt a restraining hand on my waist. I looked at him, questioning him with my eyes. He shook his head negatively as if as soon as I get up from his laps, it will be the last time he would be seeing me.

Wait, don’t tell me he is getting all possessive about me.

I tried getting up again but he held me down. “Stop trying or you will regret it.” He said through the mind link.

Wow, surprising.

“I love this!” Halona said with a giggle. I rolled my eyes and ignored her.

“This is your food, Luna.” Blake’s mother said as if she noticed how tired I am to Leo’s laps. She passed me two plates. One for me and one for this bigheaded Alpha here.

“One is enough,” Leo said and pushed the other plate back. Blake’s mother looked at us with skepticism. Why does no one thinks the way we are seated is wrong?!

Blake’s mother smiled knowingly and shook her head at his behavior.

Just as I was about to take the spoon, Leo beat me to it and took it.

“Ha,” He instructed me to open my mouth as he packed some rice on the spoon. I shook my head, refusing him.

“Don’t make me.” He growled darkly in my head. Now, I think Jeff must be the one pushing him to talk that way.

Well, wolves are pervs by the way. What did I expect?

“It is actually Leo and Jeff.” Halona said.

She does not want me to blame her mate.

“Well, Leo is also your mate.” She made sure to point out. I rolled my eyes.

Then I heard someone clear his throat. I knew who it was. I swallowed lightly and cleared my throat also. This is the most embarrassing situation I have ever been.

“What is embarrassing there? That your mate wants to feed in you in front of such number of people?…” Halona asked, clearly pissed off by my attitude but I don’t give two fvcks anyways.

“… While being fvcked by two to three men isn’t?” She yelled at me in the head. I went rigid as I heard this. Tears glistened my eyes but I made sure to fight them back.

It hurts.

I managed to open my mouth and Leo put the spoon in my mouth. I slowly and reluctantly chewed it before forcing it down my throat. He fed himself and the process went on like that.

“Aww, this is so sweet and lovely of them.” I heard Blake’s mom say in admiration. Martha and Blake chuckled.

“So Alpha, when should we be expecting our little Alpha?” Blake’s father asked and it was Leo’s turn to choke on his food while I almost spat out the water I was drinking. I coughed out.

“Luna, be careful.” Martha said, trying to fight back the laughter that was obviously threatening to burst out. I sent her a random glare and she managed to collect herself. Leo drank a cup of water and I make sure to evade eye contact with him.

“Gently.” He cooed.

“I think I should be the one to tell you that.” I said to him through the mind link. I heard him chuckle.

“As I was saying Alpha, when are we…”

“Can we talk about the elevator, please?” Leo cut him off with a fake, polite smile.

“Seems you are not ready yet, but let me tell you the earlier the better.” Blake’s mom defended him.

“We just became the Alpha and Luna of the pack. We don’t want to rush things. And besides, Blake here should also be asked that question.” Leo said and drank some water. Blake seemed caught. Everyone laughed at his expression.

I looked around and locked gaze with the man that was staring at me yesterday. He took his gaze almost immediately I met his gaze and pushed his chair back.

He cleared his throat, gaining everyone’s attention. He stood up and was about to make his way out when Blake’s dad voice stopped him on his tracks.

“Huh, Austin. Where to? You are leaving so early?” He asked him with raised eyebrows.

“Hmmm…” His eyes roamed towards me. “I just want to take a stroll.” He said and before Blake’s father could say any word, he already left.

“He is suspicious and weird.” I thought to myself.

* * *

“Halona, what you said in the morning during breakfast… What do you mean by it?” I asked as I looked at the greenery image outside.

After she said those words, I had this kind of change of mood that it even got noticed by Leo. I ransacked my head for a lie when he asked what was wrong and surprisingly, he did not argue with me.

Like how do you expect me to tell him that my wolf shove my past to my face like it was some piece of shit.

“I meant it and Jeff was angry about it when he heard. He even threatened me.” She said and I could feel her breaking.

“But it was not my fault.” I countered.

“Well, if you had just stayed at home that day, maybe you would be in this pitiful state of yours. You know sometimes I am quite satisfied that I was locker away while you were in that horrible situation or I would have broken our connection long time ago.” She said. She must have gone through my memory. I breathed out.

“You know what you are saying is hurting me, right?” I asked her as I closed my eyes.

“What is going on, babe? Why are you sad?” I heard Leo’s voice ask through the mind link. And he was worried.

“Nothing, just… Forget about it.” I said in reply.

“Do you need me?” He asked. I smiled at that sweet gesture of his.

“No, not really. Will get over it soon.” I said and blocked him.

“I am sorry. I was just angry that you were acting naive and all that. And also that you seem to have forgotten that we are werewolves.” She said.

“It’s alright. I am not angry. Just that please keep a reign on your jealousy.” I said with a smirk.

“B*tch.” She scoffed. While I laughed out. When she saw Leo talking to that lady, I already knew she would lash out on me so I was prepared.

Jealous, horny b*tch.

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