Alpha Of Darkness And The Half-Breed Healer

Chapter 69 Cutting ties

NIA’S POV Finding myself in front of this house after such a long time has me feeling nostalgic. It was the house that had sheltered me after my father died. For years, all I wanted was an escape. Even though I had cursed my fate for being sold off to the Alpha, I am grateful now that I have my life out together. They did me a favor, and I will not let spite prevent me from admitting to that.

I glanced down at the document in my hand.

Ezra had gotten it for me as promised. And I have a promise to keep to Gael. Once I have severed my ties with this family, finally, I can get to move on with my life and also admit the truth to Gael. He is dying to know, and I would be wrong to keep the truth from him any longer.

Swallowing hard, I stepped on the porch and pressed the bell. Holding my breath, I waited patiently for the door to open. Caleb stood behind the door with a grateful smile on his face. I nodded at him and entered. Nothing much has changed since I left. I might feel some rush of emotion being inside the house again. But nothing came. I felt blank. It’s probably not the house that I felt nostalgia for. It’s how I went to the house that brought about the emotions. I settled into a single couch and kept my face straight.

Mindy was the first to join us. “To what do we owe this splendor? Are you here to flaunt yourself as the Alpha’s new plaything? Words travel fast around here, you know?” She taunted in her usual rude manner.

“Shut the hell up, Mindy. And sit that ass of yours down before I do it for you.” He warned. “I am so sorry, Nia. She knows nothing.”

“What is this sudden romance between you two? Hey, bitch! What do you have on my brother!” She bellowed, standing up from her seat.

“Don’t even attempt to leave that couch,” Levi said sternly from the stairs.

Stephanie walked slowly behind him with her shoulders slumped. It seems like Mindy is the only one unaware of her mother’s situation. “Thank you for honoring us with your presence, Nia.” She said, avoiding my eyes.

I cleared my throat and placed the file on the table. I have nothing to say to this family except to get their signatures and never be subjected to seeing them again. Mindy snatched it off the table and read through the content quickly.

“Is this some joke? What is this bitch trying to do?” She bickered.

“Mindy, sit down!” Her brother instructed.

“Oh, please. You are not the boss of me, so stop trying too hard. What’s going on here? Who are you to walk in here acting like you own the place just because you are fucking the Alpha. You worthless slut.” Mindy cursed.

“Call me a slut one more time, and I can bet it with you that you will regret not holding yourself back,” I said stiffly, not moving a muscle from where I sat.

She looked back at her parents. “Mum, why are you quiet all of a sudden?”

I hissed, feeling extreme irritation at her sheer stupidity. “Your mum won’t be able to say anything because she is wanted for attempted murder. I have always considered you dull and unable to read a room. I promised not to say a word here today, but you already foiled my plan. I have been meaning to ask you and everyone sitting here today what I ever did wrong to you.”

“You are a half-” Mindy drawled, and I countered.

“Shut that trap you call a mouth and sit down,” I ordered, hovering over her with an intimidating glare.

She looked towards her family for help, but none of them seemed eager to interfere. “I warned you the last time that I am no longer the same girl you tortured here all through the years. Many times, I think about you and feel pity for you. You will never be able to get anywhere with that fish brain of yours. You practically have no mind except doing whatever others indulge in. If I ask why you hate me, I will bet ten thousand that you can’t state any tangible reason. You let your hate lead you astray that you don’t mind killing me. I regret that night I sat under that tree and met your family.” I gritted.

“Nia, please….” Caleb mumbled.

I raised a hand, “don’t stop me, Caleb. I would rather not do this. It’s unavoidable as it is. I need to speak my mind so I can move on. Stephanie, I am expecting you to give an actual reason as to why you wanted to kill me. Why do you think my death will be a source of joy to you? I expect you to be able to give an appropriate answer to that.”

Levi nudged her on the side. Stephanie clasped her hands tightly, staring down at it. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking when I did it.”

“What are you talking about, mum? Why do you need to apologize to her?” Mindy inquired while cutting me a condescending glare.

I folded my arms, smirking. “Well, your mummy here poisoned my soda, and now the Alpha is in a frantic search for her. But for the sake of the love I might have once had for this household, I decided to keep the truth from him. As for you, Mindy, who thinks I am the Alpha’s plaything, would you like to see what would become of the person that hurt his plaything when he finds out who?” She gulped hard in response.

I snort. “That’s what I thought. I have had enough of you all. The love I yearned for over the years was what got me into trouble in the first place. So you can keep your affections to yourself, and let’s cut ties from now on. Sign this document to assure me that you will stay far away from me, and even if you do see me, you pretend not to. That way, we wouldn’t have any problems with each other. If not, you will have no choice but to pay for your crime.” I stared blankly.

They exchanged a look, and Caleb stood up to get a pen. Silently, everyone appended their signature. I smiled in satisfaction. It went smoother than I expected.

“Why is Kingston’s name not here?” Stephanie inquired.

I grinned, “he would forever be my brother and friend. I don’t care what any of you think. Why would I need to restrain someone who has been my shield over the years from meeting me? He is nothing like any of you. Let’s forget we ever had an encounter. I wish you all the best.” I stated, retrieving the document. “I will keep this also.”

My chest tightened as I stepped out of the house. The tears that dropped got me in a chokehold. That journey has finally reached its end.Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

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