Alpha Nocturne's Contracted Mate

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate Chapter 120

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate Chapter 120

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate by A E Randell

Chapter 120 Not Alone Anymore

Lexi’s face split into a grin and she whirled excitedly to relay the news to Ann, but when she turned she was confronted with the sight of both of them still held tightly in each others arms, but it was almost as if they were frozen as they stared up into each other’s eyes.

The expression on their faces was an odd mixture of terror, and disbelief, but also excitement and hope.

“Erm, guys? Everything okay?” Lexi asked as she took an uncertain step toward them.

Yet neither one of them responded, both too deeply engrossed in each other’s gaze.

“Erm, hello?” Lexi prodded, slightly irritated now, “The b*tch queen back here has been taken care of and all you guys can do is stare deeply into each other’s eyes? What the hell…”

Neither Ann nor Adam looked at her, both of them spellbound with each other’s presence as Lexi’s father came to stand at her side, dragging Narcissa’s limp figure across the cold stone floor behind him by her hair. Lord Brarthroroz looked across at his daughter and grinned.

“It appears Narcissa may have been responsible for that curse after all.” He chuckled.

The sudden realization of what her father meant washed over Lexi as she laughed out loud and beamed widely at the two.

“They’ll snap out of it shortly, don’t worry.” Lord Brarthoroz said as he nodded sagely at his own words.

Brad was looking between them all with a look of confusion and suspicion. There was something strange going on here that he knew he was not fully aware of.

He blanched slightly as Lord Brarthroroz glanced across at him and their gazes met. It was pretty clear who Lexi took after seeing them side by side, they both radiated a dangerous and wild aura but something inexplicably drew you towards them. It was as if you wanted to be noticed by them, but were fully away of how dangerous it would be if you were. Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Brad, isn’t it?” Lord Brarthroroz asked casually, his face unreadable as he spoke.

Brad nodded uncertainly. Why did he need to know all of a sudden?

He shifted uncomfortably on the spot as he waited for him to speak.

“Would you mind giving me a hand with this wretch please?” He asked in his gravelly voice as he indicated Narcissa with a slight movement of his head, “We still have to grab a hold of Ada and I would like to have Narcissa secured before we do so if at all possible.” He continued jovially as he began making his way towards the staircase, pausing to look over his shoulder at Brad to make sure that he was following.

“Are you coming? You can grab her feet… I’d rather have her somewhat intact and ready to stand trial rather than any more disheveled than she already is.”

Brad nodded wordlessly as he stole one last glance full of longing towards where Ann and Adam stood and followed after Lord Brarthroroz trailing up the stairs.

Adam seemed to shake himself out of whatever had taken hold of him and lifted his hand to cup Ann’s face, his eye’s searching hers as her actions mirrored his own. “Do you feel that?” Ann breathed in awe as her fingers trailed down his cheeks and across his lips.

“Mate…” Adam growled suddenly in a rich, husky voice as he nodded and his wolf suddenly f*orc*ed himself forwards and sat at his side in his eyes.

In all of their interactions, Ann had never heard that tone of voice from him before and it sent the most delightful shiver of anticipation and longing down her spine as he gazed down at her.

“Finally… after all this time in the darkness… my fated mate…” Adam’s wolf spoke hoarsely, clearly slightly disbelieving at the turn of events as his voice almost cracked. “I found you… I am not… alone… anymore…”

Ann’s heart jumped into her throat as Maeve howled her sadness at his , her grief at his suffering, and her longing that she had held inside of her for such a long time, as she rushed forwards to stare into the eyes of her mate and reflect her own eternal love towards him. Truthfully Adam had no idea how his wolf had been freed, but his soul soared with happiness that he was finally whole.

One minute he had been trying to convince Ann that he would never betray her, and the next he was holding her as close to him as he could, desperately rea*s*suring her as his heart filled with terror at the thought of losing her.

He had felt an inexplicable feeling of anxiety and restlessness inside of him, similar to how he imagined a rope being held taught must feel the moment before it breaks. Then, without warning, at the exact moment that he came to the realization that he loved this woman and would be lost without her, whatever it was that had restricted him all of these years, snapped.

All of a sudden it felt as though a cloud that had been hanging over him for the longest time had lifted and a strange aura of peace and tranquility seemed to rush through him, chasing all of the darkness that had resided within him away.

Had the curse truly been eradicated? But how?

Ann smiled softly up at him as a single tear slipped down her cheek.

“All this time… we were meant for each other and never knew.”

“The Goddess certainly likes to play f*uc*ked up games doesn’t she?” Lexi snorted as their heads whipped around to face her and both of them looked at her in surprise.

Lexi laughed, the irony not lost on her at all as she shook her head gently.

“Wonderful. Did you both forget that I was here? Or maybe you forgot the life-and-death situation that everyone was in only a few moments earlier?” She questioned teasingly, raising a single ironic eyebrow as Ann and Adam exchanged a sheepish look with each other.

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