Alpha Nocturne's Contracted Mate

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate Chapter 114

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate Chapter 114

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate by A E Randell

Chapter 114 They Will Pay for Their Crimes

Narcissa perched on the edge of the table as she studied Ann silently. The uncomfortable silence extended until the muted sound of voices echoed faintly from outside of the corridor and drifted into the room.

“Ah! It looks like our first guest is here!” Narcissa exclaimed excitedly as she slipped off the table and stretched her arms out languidly before her.

“Now, not a word little princess, I don’t want you to spoil the surprise!” She giggled as drew her fingers across her lips.

Ann tried to open her mouth to respond but suddenly found that she was incapable of movement, not only that, a fire seemed to be coursing through her veins. She wanted to scream and her muscles fought to writhe against the , but they were unable to.

Narcissa smirked as she sauntered towards Ann, running her finger down her cheeks as she stared intently into her eyes.

“Do you like it, Ann? Isn’t it exquisite!” she whispered gleefully, “Ada has a long way to go until she perfects her spellwork to be anywhere close to comparable to mine. Did you know… everything that you’re feeling right now… the , the helplessness… it’s everything that your mother suffered every day as I made sure your father remained in my bed as I destroyed their mate bond.”

Despite the , Ann’s heart flared with anger and she glared furiously at Narcissa who seemed surprised that she had been able to respond at all.

“Interesting… you’re a lot stronger than your father was… no matter. I can explore this later.” She giggled giddily as the voices became clearer, “But now, it’s time for the real fun to begin.”

With that, she stepped back a few paces and positioned herself in the corner near the entrance to the cell where Ann was held in. Narcissa waved mockingly with a smirk as her figure seemingly melted into the wall surrounding her and disappeared.

Ann was d*um*bfounded. How was that even possible?

Did this mean that Narcissa had always been able to move around the palace unseen? She hadn’t even been aware that invisibility was even achievable.

“I’m warning you, Ada…” Brad’s irate voice drifted down and Ann’s heart sank. “Yeah yeah, I know. I’ll suffer the consequences. Do you want to talk to her or not?”

“Of course, I just don’t understand why you’re bringing me to the dungeons for this…”

“I already told you the Elder guards had her imprisoned while they investigate. She was supposed to just be confined to the palace so they could keep tabs on her, but she got a little feisty… I’m sure you remember how Maeve is.” Ada snorted derisively.

There was a short silence before the two of them appeared at the door. Brad’s eyes widened in shock as soon as he saw the way Ann was being restrained and he looked at Ada in disgust.

“And you allowed this? Actually… why am I even surprised… Ann… are you okay?” He asked hurriedly as he stepped forward clearly fl*stered, his eyes raking over her body as she hung limply there.

“Look, I know you probably don’t want me here at all but I have to at least try…” he stammered hesitantly.

He was right. He shouldn’t be here. He should never have come. He was as stupid as she was and if he didn’t get out soon then the chances were that it wouldn’t end well for him.

He stared intently into her eyes and for a moment,

Ann saw his wolfs eyes flash there full of grief and misery for the mate he could never have.

Brad hadn’t come for himself, he had come for his wolf, and it pulled at Ann’s heart She held no love for the man anymore, but his wolf had lost everything that they craved in life.

“Listen I don’t expect you to want to talk to me Ann, just… I needed to tell you face to face. I’m sorry. I never wanted to hurt you… I…”

“But you did hurt her, Brad. Every time you lay with me and spent hours pounding me and filling me with your s*eed, you knew that it was hurting her… yet you still did it.” Ada interrupted with barely suppressed laughter in her voice.

“I don’t even remember, Ada! I swear you f*orc*ed this on me! I don’t know what you did… but it was you! It had to be!” Brad roared suddenly furious as he whirled to face Ada.

Brad’s fury dissipated instantly as his face morphed into an expression of confusion as Ada laughed in his face.

“You two really are as stupid as each other.” She f*orc*ed out between laughs.

“What are you talking about, Ada?” Brad growled out as he took a menacing step towards her, his attention focused completely on Ada as she mocked him mercilessly. All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

He didn’t even notice Narcissa materialize behind him and begin stalking slowly toward him.

But Ann noticed the syringe that Narcissa held casually in her hand. It was filled with a dark purple liquid that swirled ominously inside as she stalked him with a wild grin on her face.

Ann desperately fought against the radiating with everything that she had, even though it clouded her mind and rendered her body useless, but she had to try!

Her efforts were in vain though as Ada’s eyes shone with glee and Narcissa brought the syringe up deftly before plunging it into his neck without hesitation.

Brad gasped in horror as his hand flew to his neck, struggling to comprehend what was going on, but there simply wasn’t enough time for him to react before Narcissa achieved her goal.

“Silly boy, of course you don’t remember anything, you were never in control of any of this to begin with.” Narcissa crooned as she sank the plunger downwards and Brad sank to the floor in seconds.

Ann wanted to scream in fury at what they had done, but still, she could not move, and as Narcissa and

Ada laughed over his lifeless body Ann felt sick to her stomach.

“Don’t worry, Ann, he’s not dead yet.” Ada offered with a grin

“No… we’re going to test a few of my new poisons out on him.” Narcissa t*ittered as she glanced back over her shoulder at Ann, “Perhaps I’ll even try the refined version of the one that k*il*led your mother.” She snickered as Ann felt as though she would explode with rage.

As she watched them drag Brad’s body away gleefully, she swore that she would make sure that they paid for their crimes.

Even if it was the last thing that she did.

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