A Sex Slave To Alien Masters (Erotica)


“Yes, Master, but I can do it myself,” I insisted.

“Ciara, you are now a possession of ours. We care for our possessions. We will clean you, so it is done correctly. When we are not available to care for you, we will pay others to do it for us,” he said. “You have done what is expected of you.”

There was a finality to the statement, so I didn’t push it.

He was right I felt dirty and sticky. I would have wanted to bathe. It wasn’t clear to me how he knew that.

After Master Bane finished washing my body, he washed my hair. I’d never had such a thorough cleaning of my scalp. My face was pushed into his chest as he massaged the soap everywhere. After a complete rinse job he ran a light oil from roots to tips.

All in all, it was a far cry from the quick showers I’d taken at the motel.

Once he was done bathing me my captor got a jar off one of the shelves in the room. I was bent over as he rubbed it’s contents over my labia, into my vagina, and into my ass. It tingled a little at first, but it seemed to dull the soreness substantially.

Master Bane noticed several places where someone’s hands must have dug too excitedly into my hips. He carefully treated those with the cream. Making a sound of disgust he rubbed the cream all over my sore arm. Deep bruises showed where Master Evan’s hands had been. Whatever the cream was made the marks lighten immediately.

Both my hands received the same treatment with the cream. Some of the redness went away, but they still looked cracked and dry. I assumed it was because my hands had been like this for months. Master Bane seemed irritated that they didn’t heal quickly like the rest of me.

Once he had looked me over completely and was satisfied he dried me.

The technology they had here amazed me. The soft linen looking towel he used seemed to suck the water off of me. When he used it on my hair it ended up almost dry. I couldn’t imagine what something like that would cost on Earth.

I felt a little dazed and robotic, but Master Bane didn’t seem to notice. I did what he said and that’s all that seemed to matter to him. In the back of my mind, I knew I would eventually melt down or lose my cool. I just hoped it could be out of the line of sight of these strange men.

I thought my bath was done, but Master Bane did not. He instructed me to open my mouth and rubbed something all over my teeth. It burned a little. After a while, he had me spit it out and rinsed my mouth out. It made my teeth feel clean, like I had just been to the dentist.

The very last part of my bath was a silky rub. After pulling my hair out of the way, Master Bane brusquely rubbed my flesh with a purple goo. The purple faded as the cream sunk in. It didn’t leave my skin oily, but it gave me a silky glow. In any other circumstance I would have felt pampered.

I was instructed to follow Master Bane as he walked into the main room. For a moment my mind screamed at me to resist and to refuse. They had no right to do this, I was not a creature to be bought and sold. I took a second too long and Master Bane turned to look at me.

My feet started to move toward him before he could repeat his order. At least it appeared my body had the right survival instinct. Making a stand in the bathroom was probably a bad idea.

In the main room the others were already seated at the semicircular tables. Five cups sat around the table as did empty plates. I noticed a cushion on the floor between Master Evan and Master Damien. I had a feeling I knew where I would take my meals. Master Bane’s hands on my shoulders guided me to kneel between his two brothers.

Master Bane left the room and returned with the white linen back around his waist. I noted all the men had put the coverings back over themselves. I was wishing I had something to wear.

It wasn’t that I was cold. The room was a fine temperature. I just felt so exposed kneeling on the floor.

I jumped when a door opened to the outside and a man walked in carrying a large tray. White light streamed in from the door, presumably from the sun. The man that entered was thin and compared to my companions he was short.

He greeted my captors politely and sat the tray in front of Master Damien. Still naked with just my cuffs, I felt embarrassed, but he never looked at me. He walked back out, politely closing the door behind him.

“Ciara,” Master Evan said looking down at me, “you will be punished if you behave that way again. It is inappropriate.”

I was shocked. I hadn’t moved once the man walked in. I must have looked confused because Master Damien clarified.

“We did not explain that rule Evan, Ciara is still new. Do not look at other men. You may look at us in the presence of other men or at the floor, but never look at them. Unless we allow you to, you are not speak to other men, either. Do you understand?”

I nodded and was rebuked with a slight noise from across the table. Nodding didn’t mean anything here.

“Yes, Master Damien, I understand,” I said resting back on my heels.

No one said that was inappropriate so I just stayed that way.

The tray the man had delivered was uncovered and it smelled delicious. My stomach rumbled hungrily and Master Evan looked curiously at me.

“What noise did you just make?” he asked.

“My stomach makes that noise when I’m hungry, Master Evan,” I told him.

“I wish to hear it again,” Master Damien said turning toward me.

“I can’t make it happen, Master Damien,” I said, suddenly afraid they might not believe me. “It just happens sometimes when I’m really hungry.”

They sat and stared at me for a moment, but seemed to accept the answer.

The men each loaded their plates and started to eat as I watched. I wondered if I would be allowed food. I wouldn’t last long if I wasn’t. They seemed to understand my physiology, so they must know that, I reasoned.

I was interrupted from my musing when Master Damien reached down and offered a chunk of food to me. I tried to take it in my hands and was rebuked. I opened my mouth and he placed the morsel inside.

The food tasted strange, not quite spicy, just very rich and meaty. Master Evan took a sip from his cup and then offered it to my lips. I didn’t raise my hands to help him this time. I was getting the idea.

The liquid inside the cup wasn’t water, it tasted closer to wine. I’d never had anything other than the cheap stuff my mother drank and that was awful. This was slightly sweet and ran easily over my tongue. I was glad when he offered me more.

“It must drink this now,” Master Kein said picking up a small cup off the tray.

Master Kein smelled the cup and wrinkled his nose. Master Damien took the small cup also sniffing at it, raising an eyebrow.NôvelD(ram)a.ôrg owns this content.

I started to dread whatever was in that cup. When Master Damien brought it to my lips, I almost backed away. Master Evan’s hand on my back stopped me and I looked up at him.

“Take what we offer you, Ciara,” he said gesturing.

Master Damien brought the cup to my lips slowly. He tilted it and the liquid ran into my mouth. It tasted medicinal, almost like when you get a Tylenol stuck in the back of your throat. Thankfully there was very little in amount, so I downed what he gave me quickly.

“Do not attempt to refuse us again, Ciara,” Master Damien warned. “You will take this everyday.”

“Yes, Master Damien,” I said quietly.

The meal continued with Master Damien and Master Evan feeding themselves and then feeding me.

There was a wide variety on the tray the man had brought. I knew nothing about the quality of food here, but it seemed to be much better than I was used to eating. It was quite good.

The meal seemed to divided into courses. We had started with what tasted like meat. Next they fed me what I thought of as fruit. The juicy brown junks were sweet and sour all at once. I liked it a lot.

Other things on the tray were less enjoyable to me. Some of it tasted like breads dipped in gravy. That was not my favorite. It was soggy and had a weird texture. The men seemed to pay attention to my facial expressions as I ate.

All in all, there was so much food. I was used to eating a plate of instant rice and tipping a little soup over it for flavor. Sometimes I just ate a bowl of cereal and called that a meal. I never had the variety or quantity of food I was being offered now.

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