A CEO's Revenge Marriage Accidentally in Love

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Hannah

With shaking hands, I take off my clothes while Tobias is showering. I can still hear the water running, so it should be safe to get half-naked.

We might be married, but I have every intention of hiding my body. The underwear will stay on. I also plan on sleeping in the far corner, away from my husband’s judging eyes.

Some of us don’t come with abs. It would be terrible if he took a look at my curves and laughed or something. I’m not bad-looking, but Tobias seems more grown and mature than me. And since he is a wealthy CEO, I bet he has a type: skinny girls that look like models.

And yet he married me. Is it because he trusts me to stay faithful because I need his money? Probably.

I get under the blanket and feel my heartbeat speed up when Tobias leaves the bathroom.

His waist is wrapped up in a towel. “This is the second time you see me naked on the same day.”

Oh, so he has humor, after all? It might be dry, and his eyes are intense, yet I still giggle.

“I’m sorry for walking into the wrong room…”

To my surprise, his face softens. “Aren’t we past that?”

I watch him get in under the covers beside me. It’s a kingsized bed, yet he feels way too close. Especially when he lays down sideways, eyeing me as if waiting for an answer.

My breaths quicken. Tobias’s corded arm is underneath his cheek, and his beautiful face is somewhat distracting. Part of me wishes to touch him, but even though we are married, we aren’t intimate.

Besides, Tobias isn’t a very nice person. Or, actually, that’s a lie. There are moments when he is kind, but I get the feeling he is still bitter about his divorce and is taking it out on the world.

I manage a smile. “If you’re over it, then I’m happy. Thank you again for this opportunity. You’ve made it possible for me to focus on my studies, and I’m ever grateful.”

“What are you studying?”

“Oh,” I blush. “I want to become a kindergarten teacher. Children make me happy, so I’m focusing on my bachelor’s degree in a teacher preparation program.”

He breathes a laugh. “It suits you.”

“Hey, what is that supposed to mean?” I whine. “Are you being mean to me again? Do you look down on kindergarten teachers?”

“Not at all. Good teachers are essential in society, and I find it admirable that you’re studying to become one.”

I’m speechless. The mood has entirely changed, and although I still find Tobias intimidating, I’m learning that he has a softer side.

“Thank you.”

We share a moment of staring at each other before Tobias closes his eyes and yawns. “We should get some rest. It’s a big day tomorrow. You’re coming with me to my office.”

“W-what?” I widen my eyes. “Why?”

“There is a brunch for all the members of the council tomorrow. My ex-wife will show up with my ex-best friend, her husband.”

Ah. “So you need me to pretend that we are happy?”

“Exactly.” He opens his eyes again, and his full lips curve into a wicked smile. “Can you handle that, Mrs. Ford? There will be touching and kissing involved.”

Shudders run down my spine—this man can unnerve me with one look. But I’m not a coward. I can handle touching and kissing Tobias. Of course, I can. Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“I can handle touching and kissing.” I’m pretty confident my face is redder than a tomato.

He keeps the smile. “Do you have a lot of kissing experience?”

“I’ve dated plenty of guys.”

“I wasn’t asking how many people you’ve dated,” there is amusement dancing in his eyes as if he can tell exactly what I’m trying to hide: I have zero experience being intimate with guys. “I asked if you know how to kiss and make it seem convincing.”

“Well…” I shrug. “We kissed before, didn’t we?”

“We did, which tells me you need practice,” he teases and breathes another laugh when I stare at him, terrified. There is a smirk playing over his lips now. “Are you a virgin, Hannah?”

My face burns. “N-none of your business…”

“None of my business?” Tobias fakes a gasp, but there is a mocking, amused glint in his eye. He isn’t insulted. “We are married, Hannah. And you’re supposed to act all wifey with me.”

I sigh in defeat. My heart is pounding against my ribcage, and I’m embarrassed to discuss this with Tobias. He is a handsome man. I’m attracted to him, and he is teasing me. It’s overwhelming.

Still, I get his point and give him the answer he is waiting for. “I’m a virgin, and I have zero experience with men. I’ve dated guys, but… I haven’t kissed anyone or had sex.”

He doesn’t look surprised. “And why is that?”

“I don’t know…”

Tobias raises an eyebrow. “You don’t know?”

I roll my eyes because the man just doesn’t give up. Neither does he seem to care that this is a personal matter. I’m being all vulnerable here.

“I haven’t met a man I like yet,” I tell him. “My friends say chivalry is dead, but I disagree. I’m still hoping to meet the one, you know? It might sound silly, but I still hope to be utterly blown away by someone.”

Understanding crosses his handsome features. “You’re saving yourself for Mr. Right.”

“Well, not anymore,” I attempt a smile, but it comes out half-assed because it kind of sucks that my first kiss has been stolen by a man who doesn’t like me. “You kissed me, and… like it or not, but I need your wallet more than I need a Mr. Right.”

His lips curl. “Do you believe in love at first sight, Mrs. Darling?”

“It’s Mrs. Ford now,” I say in an equally confident voice. It makes Tobias smile, and my confidence grows. “And yes, I do. It might be silly, but I do. I think some people fall in love when they first see their destined person. Laugh at me if you want, but… that’s what I believe.”

“I’m not laughing at you,” he isn’t. His eyes are intense, and staring straight at me. “You remind me of myself before my heart broke, and I realized true love doesn’t exist.”

My heart pangs with hurt for Tobias, and I whisper. “You really loved your ex-wife, didn’t you?”

“I did, I still do—it sucks,” his lips curl higher. “Which means I’m not your Mr. Right, but… I’m one hell of a kisser.”

Shudders sweep up my spine. “Is that right?”


Tobias lifts himself to all fours, and the bed creaks underneath his weight as he moves. He comes closer and stares down at me. Shit. He is so close. Too close. My heart is frantic right now.

“I’m sorry I stole your first kiss,” Tobias murmurs as he lies in front of me. His face is inches away from mine now. Our breaths mingle as he brushes a strand of blonde hair away from my eyes. “But with this, you will be more experienced when you meet the love of your life.”

His lips curl, and then he leans in, stealing more than my lips because… this kiss? It’s more perfect than the last.

How can he be so good at kissing?!

I’m aching. My insides hurt, and it feels like a candle has been lit inside me. I don’t want this kiss to end. Tobias kisses me like I’m precious, which makes me realize I’m in danger because falling for him would be way too easy.

His tongue controls mine, and his hand is on the back of my head as he deepens the kiss, making everything inside me tickle. I want more of him, but to my disappointment, Tobias breaks our kiss.

We are both panting and staring at each other. Tobias stole my heart with that kiss, which is terrible. This man’s heart belongs to someone else, so I’m crazy for thinking there is chemistry here. I’m setting myself up for one massive heartbreak.

But how do you stop yourself from feeling butterflies?

“That kiss was much better,” Tobias tells me. There is a crease between his eyebrow, and for a moment, it looks like he is about to say something, but then he rolls over. “We should probably sleep.”

I want to laugh because how am I supposed to sleep? Tobias kissed me, and it feels like my body is on fire. I might be a virgin, but even I understand that I’m aroused.

Tobias is gorgeous but so complicated. He is beautifully broken, and I can’t put him back together again. I envy the woman who one day will because, underneath his harsh lines, I’m positive there is a good man.

“Good night, Hannah,” Tobias says with his broad, naked back turned toward me. “I hope you dream about Mr. Right.”

“Good night, Tobias.”

I notice there is something wet underneath my eyes, and my heart pangs with hurt when I realize I’m crying.

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