A billionaire’s kiss


I was standing in front of the mirror in my wedding dress with my mom clapping excitedly beside me and my dad crying in the corner.

“You look beautiful darling” Mom squealed.

I smiled. “Thank you mom” My phone on the table beside me dinged with a message and I reached out to take it knowing it was Ian but my mom beat me to it.

“No talking to him till you walk down the aisle”

I gasped. “Why?”

“Because I say so” She placed my phone far away from me and took her own phone out. “Now say cheese” She grinned.

I rolled my eyes. “Mom there are plenty of photographers downstairs”

“Who cares about them? Now say cheese”

I heaved a sigh and posed for the photo, or photos considering she took several hundreds. Hurried footsteps came up the stairs and the door to the room flew open, revealing a panting Lexi and Brian.

Lexi gave an ear piercing scream. “Ahh you look gorgeous babe!”

I laughed. “Thanks. Is everyone there?”

“Yes. You just need to make the grand appearance now”

Mom sighed. “Before that this man needs to clean himself up” She said motioning to my dad, who was still sobbing, his cheeks red and eyes puffed.

My lips tugged up and I walked over to him. “Dad”

He sniffled. “I know I know darling” He took several wet tissues out and wiped his face with it. He looked at me and his lips trembled. “It’s just I got so emotional seeing you in this beautiful dress Hailey. You’re so beautiful” He sobbed again.

I pouted and embraced him in a warm hug. “Thanks dad”

“I’m so happy for you Hailey. Ian is a very lucky man to have you” He pulled back and slowly smiled at me, wiping his tears. “Now we should go. He must be waiting for you”

Brian gave me my bouquet with a huge grin on his face. “You look sexy Hailey”

Lexi smacked him. “You don’t say sexy to a bride. You say beautiful or pretty”

Brian rolled his eyes. “Whatever. All I know is that I won’t be using any of those words in your wedding”

Lexi gasped and I choked with laughter.

“You little shit-”

Before she could finish my mom grabbed both their arms. “Children, we should go now and take a seat before the bride comes” Then she forcefully dragged them out of the room to the garden reception downstairs.

Dad came over to me and I smiled, taking his arm. We descended down the stairs and he came to halt in front of the large mahogany doors which I knew would straight away open to the aisle.

He looked at me. “You ready?”

I took a deep breath and nodded. “Yes”

Two valets opened the doors and music started playing. I took small steps forward, holding on to my dad’s arm tightly, feeling anxious.

The aisle was decorated with white rose petals, the trees conopying above full of similar colour flowers hanging down like ropes. On either side were wooden benches full of familiar faces, family and friends. Despite knowing most of them the crowd still overwhelmed me. My heart started pounding in my chest and I took another deep breath, trying to calm myself. Slowly I wrenched my gaze away from them and looked straight ahead. My breath caught in my throat. All nervousness fled me as I saw the man standing at the end of the aisle, smiling at me. The man who would soon be my husband, Ian.

His face brightened as our eyes met. I could see his lips trembling as he tried hard to control his emotions, his throat bobbing. I slowly smiled at him and that was all he needed to break down. His eyes brimmed with tears and they began falling down his cheeks. My own eyes welled up seeing it. Ian chuckled softly and wiped away his tears with the back of his hand. He straightened up and watched me with a small smile on his lips, blinking back his tears.

He took a step forward as we reached him and my father gently placed my hand on his. Ian held it tightly and helped me up the stairs.

Ian smiled through teary eyes, holding both my hands as we faced each other. “You lool beautiful sweetheart” He murmured. “So beautiful”

I smiled and gave a gentle squeeze to his hands as a gesture of thank you.

“Dear beloved and honoured guests” The wedding officiant started. “We’re gathered here today to join Ian and Hailey in the union of marriage. Their formal commitment to each other…’

His words faded as I stared at those deep blue eyes I loved so much. They were filled with so many emotions, joy, happiness, bliss, love and many more much mirroring mine. Looking at them I was reminded of the first day we met and the days we spent together thereafter. It was amazing to think how a simple hiccup and a disastrous kiss turned into a holy matrimony. How such simple events made me find my one true love, my better half. Be it destiny or fate I was forever thankful for giving me such a perfect man. He was my everything.

Ian brushed his fingers across mine, pulling me out of my daze. He gave me a wink and I had a hard time containing my grin.

“Ian Kingston” The officiant looked at Ian. “Do you take Hailey Evans to be your wedded wife, to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honour and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to her, for as long as you both shall live?

Ian smiled brightly. “I do”

Warmth spread through me and I felt my chest tighten at those words in his lips.

The officiant glanced at me. “Hailey Evans, do you take Ian Kingston to be your wedded husband, to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honour and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all other, be faithful only to him, for as long as you both shall live?”

The corners of my mouth rose. “I do”

Ian’s whole face lit up with joy and he squeezed my hands unable to contain his happiness. My own face brightened at his reaction. He was so sweet.

We exchanged our rings, two beautiful gold wedding bands and I felt butterflies flutter in my stomach knowing what was after. A kiss to seal our marriage. I saw excitement in Ian’s eyes and I couldn’t help but smile.

“By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you as husband and wife” The officiant smiled at Ian. “You may kiss the bride”

Ian took now time idling by. He grinned in joy and pulled me against him, capturing my lips in a fervent kiss. I heard the crowd cheer and clap and I kissed him back with equal passion, sealing our matrimony.

The night has fallen and every tree and bush surrounding the reception was lit with fairytale lights spiraled around them. Hanging from the branches were lanterns with different patterns in it and four post tents were set up, candle lights lighting up the rose decorated tables inside where the guests were crowded at.

I dragged Ian away from them, rubbing my cheeks. “My God, my cheeks hurt from smiling too much. Those people won’t stop talking. They won’t even let us go-”

I was cut off as Ian suddenly wrapped his arms around me from behind. “Wife” He murmured in his husky voice.

A smirk rose in my lips and I spun around. “Husband”

Ian closed his eyes and inhaled sharply enjoying the word in my lips. “I like that. I like that very much” He opened his eyes and looked at me. “You know, we should’ve started off by marriage. This feels more hot and possessive”

I snorted. “That would’ve cost you, you know. I wouldn’t have settled for free service like I did with the fiance thing”

He raised a brow. “What free service? I offered you money and you are the one who said no”

My jaw fell open. “Excuse me? Are you having a temporary memory loss? Should we go see a doctor?”

Ian chuckled and pecked my lips. “I don’t have time for doctors sweetheart. I’m excited for tonight” He purred.

I bit the inside of my cheek to hide my smile. “Oh please nothing will happen tonight because you’ll fall asleep while trying to remove these pins in my hair” I said pointing to my head.

Ian looked at the pins and smirked. “Oh don’t worry. I’ll remove them while having you bent over a table”

I gaped and pushed him away. “Omg go away”

Ian chuckled and grabbed my waist, pulling me back to him. His hand reached out and he gently trailed his fingers along my cheek in a slow caress. “I feel so happy Hailey. So happy to have met you. I feel like I’m the luckiest man on earth to have married you. Sometimes I wonder if everything is just a dream because I still can’t believe that you’re truly mine. Thinking back to my life before I met you-” His throat bobbed and he shook his head. “I wonder how I lived all those years. So dull and boring. You brought colour into my life. You brought happiness into my life. Without you Hailey-” A sad smile played in his lips. “I’m nothing” My eyes burned and I placed my hand on his cheek.

“Don’t say that Ian”

Ian smiled softly. “But it’s true” He placed his hand over mine and gently stroked my fingers. “You are the world to me Hailey, you complete me, you make me feel more alive and I c-can’t imagine a life without you” His voice quievered. “You’re my everything sweetheart”

A tear escaped my eyes and I squeezed them shut. Ian kissed that tear and leaned his forehead on mine. “I love you Hailey”

My lips trembled, a sob threatening to escape. How did I get him? How did I get a perfect man like him? Every day I think I can’t love him more but every day I end up loving him a little more than the day before.

I heard Ian sniffle and he pulled me closer to him. “I didn’t think it was possible to cry on a happy day like this” He grumbled.

That brought a smile to my lips. I pulled back and looked up at him. “Says the big boy who cried while I walked down the aisle”

Ian gasped dramatically. “Can you really blame me? Your father was looking drop dead gorgeous”

I burst out laughting and Ian laughed along with me. Guests turned in our direction to see if we had gone mad but we truly couldn’t stop ourselves until we were both breathless. I sighed loudly and leaned my head against his chest.

Ian pressed a kiss to my head and hugged me, trailing his fingers up my back. I let out another sigh in content. It felt so good to be in his arms.

We heard music play in the dance floor and Ian slowly pulled back.

“Mrs. Kingston. I think we have to do the first dance” He held out his hand. “Shall we?”

I blushed realising what he just called me and Ian noticed it. A smug look appeared on his face. I placed my hand on his and Ian dragged me to the dance floor at the center of the reception, lit with string lights hanging above it in rows.

Katy Perry’s song unconditionally began playing and I beamed. I kept one hand on his shoulder and the other entwined with his. The crowd gathered around us and cheered us as we started dancing, moving to the rhythm, bright smiles on our lips as we both stared at each other, our eyes gleaming with love for one another.

Ian spun me around and pulled me back, bending down to place a teasing kiss on my lips. I chuckled. Moments like these swooned me, swept me off my feet, made my heart skip a beat. There was nothing more happier than to be with him.

He was mine and I was his.

As the second song started other people joined in. Over Ian’s shoulder I spotted Audrey and Brian dancing happily while our VP, who got her position back stood with rest of the marketing department, glowering at the couple.

Next to them I saw Daniel and Lexi dancing. My eyes widened in shock. Lexi whispered something to his ear and Daniel threw his head back laughing. Omg.

“What?” Ian followed my gaze and he gasped. “Is that Daniel laughing?” He asked incredulously. “Oh my God, I think I’m traumatised”

I smacked his shoulder. “Be nice. My ships are finally sailing”

“What ships?”

“Those two ships” I motioned my head toward the two couples.

But Ian looked around, frowning. “There’s no water here to sail ships”

I scoffed in disbelief.

Ian frowned at me. “What?”

“Nothing, you’re just stupid”

Ian’s lips formed into a pout and I chuckled softly. I moved closer to him and kissed his pout. “I love you” I murmured softly.

Ian beamed and he gave a peck to my lips. “I love you too Hailey”

My lips tugged up and I buried my face in his neck. We slowly swayed to the music, holding on to each other, his arms around my waist and and mine around his neck. “You’re the best thing that happened to me Ian”

“I am?” He asked so adorably.

I smiled against his neck. “Mmm you are”

Ian slowly pulled back and looked at me in adoration. He pecked my lips and held my hand. “Come, I have something to give you”

Before I could even ask what it was, he was dragging me across the reception. He brought me to a small path between hedges and we walked through it, small lanterns lining up the path.

At the end of it was a white coated wooden gazebo decorated with colourful flowers spiraling up the posts like small vines. A row of small lights hanged around the roof, bringing shine to the flowers inside. We climbed up the small steps and I looked around.

“Why did you bring me here?”

“To give your wedding gift”

I raised a brow at him. “Wedding gift?

He nodded.

“What gift…” I trailed off and a teasing grin curled in my lips. “Ooh so you’re finally giving me a helicopter” I batted my eye lashes. “How sweet”

Ian rolled his eyes. “I’m not giving you a helicopter”

I huffed. “How sad” I grumbled.

His lips tugged up. He took a step forward and pressed a kiss to my cheek. “I’m not giving you a helicopter because I want you to buy one yourself”

I wrinkled my nose. “How am I supposed to do that?”

Ian pulled back and opened his coat, taking a slip of paper out of it. He gave it to me and I squinted my eyes to get a closer look at it.

Surprisingly, it was a cheque.

“You want me to buy a helicopter with this?”

“No. It’s for your dream”

“What?” I looked up at him.

Ian smiled and cupped my face in his hands. “Go big Hailey”This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

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