Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Chapter 15

Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Chapter 15

Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Chapter 15

What’s Best For Her LIAM ” Liam ! Wait ! ” I closed my eyes , trying to calm myself down as Raven caught up to me . I didn’t want to talk to anyone right now . I mean , I just realised my best friend was screwing my sister behind my back . I don’t know what was worse , the fact they were sleeping around or the fact they were doing it so casually .

I knew Damon had a sex partner ; he had told me that . However , he always spoke of her with this small smile and I knew he liked her , but he had never told me who she was . Well , that made sense now . I didn’t once think it was Kiara . ” Liam . ” Raven said , now placing her hand on my arm . She was tiny but her personality made up for it . I was 6,4 give or take , and towered over her . ” Raven . ” I replied , ignoring the look of concern in her unique eyes .

” They’re adults , Liam . ” She said gently . I knew she was hurt but I was not sure if it was only because of Kiara hiding it from her or because it was Damon . I knew she hadn’t known about it ; the shock had been clear on her face when Alpha Alejandro had mentioned it . ” 1 ” There’s something called trust , Raven .

” I replied , walking into my office and dropping into my chair . She walked over to me and I tried not to admire how good she looked . Yeah , maybe I’m as guilty as Damon . I’ve had feelings for Raven since forever but I never made a move . Not because I was a wuss but because I was waiting for my mate . If the Goddess decreed , then Raven would be mine . If not , I would always appreciate her as a friend .

Although I sometimes thought she had some feelings for me , I got the same vibe from her towards Damon . She now propped herself onto my desk facing me , concern clear on her face . Her refreshing yet delicious scent was calming . ” I know that , but there’s nothing to be done now . ” She said , sighing . ” Look , instead of walking off , get the answers you want . I think if Uncle El found out , oh hell , he’d blow .

11 ” Dad can’t really say anything , he was the biggest man whore around here . I think all the she – wolves who didn’t have a mate have been with him . ” I wrinkled my nose i n disgust . Granny Amy didn’t really have a filter and she had spilt all the dirt on dad . Raven laughed , a laugh that tempted me to smile too . ” Gross maybe ? But come on , Uncle El is a delicious piece of hot stuff . ” She said , making me shudder . ” Gross Raven . ” I groaned , ruffling my hair as I sighed . I had to admit she knew how to cheer someone up .

My smile faded as I looked u p at her , not missing her heart rate pick u p . I placed my hand on her knee . ” Tell me , are you hurt because of Kiara or the fact it’s Damon ? ” I asked softly . She tensed as she looked at me with a look I couldn’t really decipher . ” Why would I care if it’s Damon ? ” She asked , looking me straight in the eyes and I knew I wasn’t wrong . The tell – tale flicker of her eyes was there . I shrugged . ” You tell me , there’s something between you two .

” ” Oh please , people say that about us two a s well . ” She retorted , slapping my hand . For a tiny thing , she was pretty strong . I was actually hoping they managed to get a few hits in on the Alpha earlier but oh well , maybe next time . ” I know people say that about us and I believe it too , but I don’t know I get the same vibe from you that I’m sure you have towards Damon . ” I replied .

I might look like an oversize oaf but I sure knew how to read people . Call it intuition , but I wasn’t dumb . Just like I know the reason Kiara always makes excuses not to hang with us . It wasn’t because she didn’t want to , It was because she didn’t want to hold us back . The same way she hid the pain in her ankle so no one worried about her . I pretended I didn’t realise to just give her that space . I watched Raven , seemingly unsettled by my words . Before she frowned at me .

” Don’t turn this back on me . Now get that ass up and stop moping . Them getting their freak on does not mean it will affect anything . ” I sighed . Maybe not but I don’t know , it didn’t sit right with me . ” I guess you’re right .

But I’m not letting either of them off so easily . Especially Damon . ” She smirked and jumped off the table . ” Need help , partner ? ” ” Can you even help ? ” I teased . She smirked slyly . ” Never underestimate me . ” She said as she followed me from the room , and just a s I stepped out she slapped my ass , making me jump . I glared at her as she burst out laughing . ” Oh , you’re done for now bite – size ! ” She ran off and I ran after her . Yeah , she wasn’t fast enough .

I grabbed her by the waistband of her yoga pants , making her cute ass one . She blushed lightly , glaring a t me . I gave her a wink . ” You started it , remember ? ” ” Jerk . ” ” Brat . ” 11 Ass . 11 ” Prat . ‘ Liam . Get home , see if Kiara is there and make sure she stays put . ‘ Dad’s voice full o fanger came through the link and I frowned . What had happened now ? ‘ Got it . ‘ ” What is it ? ” Raven asked , realising I was mind linking .

” Dad wants me to get home and make sure Kiara stays there … ” ” Oh no . ” Raven said worriedly . ” I should go . ” ” Feeling better ? ” She asked , stepping closer . It really was hard at times but I had done it for years and I’ll continue to do SO . ” Much better , thanks . ” I said , taking her hand and giving it a quick kiss before I stuck my tongue out at her and broke into a run .

I really did appreciate how she lifted my spirits . Whoever got her as a mate would b e lucky . I reached home soon after , only to hear m y mum sounding really angry and Kiara arguing back . I entered the living room . ” Leave it mom ! I told you I triggered him off ! ” ” I don’t give a fuck if you did .

No one touches my daughter ! ” ” Whoa … What’s happening ? ” I asked seeing Kiara trying to stop mom from leaving . ” Alejandro injured her ! ” ” My fault ! ” Kiara shouted . I knew exactly what had happened . She had gone after him for opening his mouth and probably did piss him off . Kiara wasn’t the type to lie or defend someone , but she was truthful .

” Mom , as she said , she started it . Now please drop it . ” I sighed . Damn . Mistake . Mom now turned her icy silver glare on me . ” I’m fed up with being treated like an invalid ! ” Kiara snapped . ” Kiara , I

don’t treat you like that , you know it . ” Mom snapped dangerously . ” Dad and Liam do though ! Mom , I feel suffocated . Do you know what dad said ?

That I’m grounded ! ” ” I’ll talk to Elijah- ” ” No mom , I’m tired . Tired of constantly being pitied and molly – coddled . I know you do so much for me , but it’s one person out of several . I need a break from this pack . ” Kiara whispered a hand on her forehead . I knew she was stressed out . I felt my stomach plummet , I knew that tone . It’s the same one mom had when she was sticking to something . ” Kia . ” I stepped forward .

” We love you , that’s the only reason we worry . ” 1 She looked at me and I didn’t miss the pain in her eyes . Were we really that suffocating ? ” Yeah , I know . That’s why I need to go somewhere where I’m treated like an equal , where I’m able to just be me . ” Kiara pleaded , tugging her bobble out of her hair and running her fingers through it . Mom frowned but I knew she understood . I swear I didn’t mean to make her feel this way . Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

All I wanted to do was take care of m y baby sister . Even in the womb , I was the stronger one . When we were born , I weighed double of her and even when she was little I wanted to protect her . It seemed my love for her had only resulted i n her wanting to run away . ” Please mom , talk to dad . I’ve studied herbs and medical stuff ; can’t I just go to some pack who needs an assistant at the hospital or something ?

I just need space . ” ” You have had enough space . ” A voice growled behind me . All eyes turned to the man who now filled the door frame . His aura rolling off him in strong waves and the look in his eye made me swallow . There was one man I hated pissing off and that man was standing right in front of me . Kiara paled as she looked at him . O ” Dad . “

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